Matrix Cells in Distance Order
From LeetCode
problem description / no solution provided
Solution in Python3
class Solution:
def allCellsDistOrder(
R: int,
C: int,
r0: int,
c0: int
) -> List[List[int]]:
dist_cells = {}
for i in range(R):
for j in range(C):
dist = abs(r0 - i) + abs(c0 - j)
dist_cells.setdefault(dist, [])
dist_cells[dist].append([i, j])
cells = []
max_dist = max(r0, R - 1 - r0) + max(c0, C - 1 - c0)
for dist in range(max_dist + 1):
cells += dist_cells[dist]
return cells
I am lucky to get
Runtime: 272 ms, faster than 74.55% of Python3 online submissions for Matrix Cells in Distance Order.
Memory Usage: 15.1 MB, less than 100.00% of Python3 online submissions for Matrix Cells in Distance Order.
Time Complexity
\(O(n)\), where \(n\) = R * C
(Comparison) Sort
class Solution:
def allCellsDistOrder(
R: int,
C: int,
r0: int,
c0: int
) -> List[List[int]]:
return sorted(
[[i, j] for i in range(R) for j in range(C)],
key = lambda x : abs(x[1] - c0) + abs(x[0] - r0)
Time complexity will be \(O(n\log(n))\), where \(n\) = R * C
. In the contest I did this way for its simplicity. I got
Runtime: 264 ms, faster than 90.23% of Python3 online submissions for Matrix Cells in Distance Order.
Not bad at all.