A Practical Evaluation of Radio Signal Strength for Ranging-based Localization (2007)
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ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications
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Use RSS and multilateration to locate nodes in multi-hop sensor network under some conditions. Quantify the effects of various environmental factors.
Each node use linear RSS-to-distance model to estimate distances to other nodes, find shortest path to each anchor whose position is given. Shortest path distances are then used for multilateration.
Shortest path
- distance: DV-distance algorithm
Quantify the effects of environmental factors on RSS.
- noise: Standard deviation of all RSS values that may be observed at a particular distance in a given environment.
- attenuation rate: Rate of decrease of RSS respect to distance.
- effective range: Integral over the probability of making a RSS measurement at a particular distance \(p(\mathit{measurement} | d)\) weighted by the probability of finding a neighbor at that distance \(\Pi * d^2\).
Note: Article does not explain what \(\Pi\) is. It is probably assuming nodes’ projection onto 2D plane follows uniform distribution so that the probability of finding a neighbor is proportional to the area of circle with radius \(d\), i.e. proportional to \(\pi d^2\).
Environmental factors
- Time
- Elevation
- Vegetation
- Transmission power
- Packaging
- Indoor environment